Life of the Party

Ben Edlund

It's Halloween, and Wolfram & Hart throws the best party in town. The problems begin when Lorne's suggestions start becoming orders, making people do strange — and dangerous — things, like Angel having sex with Eve.

Lorne, exhausted, has his sleep removed, and starts to write the future, instead of just reading it. Eventually, his (very angry) subconscious materializes and kills two guests at he party, one of them the of [Archduke Sebassis]. Luckily, Wesley and Fred figure this out before things get uglier, and save the day.

To a ghost Spike, who is quite depressed about his non-corporeal condition, Lorne advises to be more positive, and shortly thereafter the vampire is having the time of his life — everything is wonderful, he even gets thrilled to see that Angel is "getting some" with Eve...

TheCautionary Tale of Numero Cinco

Jeffrey Bell

Angel is depressed; being the head of Wolfram & Hart and having all resources to fight evil, he starts questioning his status as a Champion, making Wesley reminds him of the prophecy [Shanshu] and tell him that it can help, giving him hope.

With this state of mind, he gets to know a former Champion, Mexican Numero Cinco, who now works at W&H as mailman. In the past, this man used to fight evil with his four brothers, but after their deaths, he gave up everything and took the offer of a job at the evil law firm.

Angel and Numero Cinco join forces to fight an Aztec demon — Tezcatcatl — that comes to our world each 50 years to take the heart of a Champion to be able to survive another 50 years. But this time, the demon is also after a talisman, passed from Champion to Champion, that will make it invincible. Eventually, Angel, Numero Cinco and his deceased brothers kill the demon, and Numero Cinco passes the talisman to Angel, who hands it to Wesley (for him to keep?) Afterwards, Angel, who said all prophecies are lies, looks for the book about the Shanshu.

Spike helps the Fang Gang fight the Aztec demon — telling them that its weak point is its heart, and, when researching with Wesley, takes the chance and asks him about the Shanshu — adding that he himself died heroically, closing the Hellmouth; Wesley just says that the book refers to a vampire with a soul, yes, but who isn't a ghost.



Drew Goddard

Wesley's father, with whom he always had a bad relationship, appears in Los Angeles — Watcher Roger Wyndham-Pryceis reforming the Watchers’ Council, destroyed by the [First Evil] and [Caleb] months before, and wants Wesley to be a part of it again.

At the same time, the Fang Gang are attacked by a troop of Ninja cyborgs, eventually finding that Roger is behind the attack. When his father tries to hold Fred hostage, Wesley shoots his father to death — just to learn that "Roger" was also a cyborg.

Spike doesn't do much in this episode; he asks Eve why the [Senior Partners] don't release him, since the amulet was meant to be used by Angel, and Eve replies with a question "how do you know that it was for Angel to wear it?" The vampire also saves Gunn of being killed by one of the cyborgs and, when Fred makes a comment about the robots being part humans, he shoots his mouth off, saying that "having sex with robots happens more often than you think"...*

*Remember the [BuffyBot]?


David Fury
Steve DeKnight

In flashbacks, we see Angelus, [Drusilla] and new-born vampire [William] in London. William, in love with Dru, suffers when she sleeps with Angelus; the evil vampire tells "Willy" that they will always have all they want, but never will own anything.

In the present, Harmony opens an envelope; from it a bright light emerges and Spike, who is in the room, becomes corporeal again. Things go havoc all over Wolfram & Hart, phones start ringing, computers crash. First thing Spike does, after drinking a mug full of blood, is to grab Harmony and take her to a room for a nooner. However, the poor vampire doesn't manage to have sex with his ex, because Harmony suddenly goes crazy and tries to bite him, saying all he thinks is of his Slayer. Other employees get mad, too.

Eve appears to explain that the chaos has taken place everywhere because it wasn't supposed to exist two Champion vampires with a soul. All this have to do with the prophecy Shanshu, the one that says "a vampire with a soul will have an important role to play (for good or evil) in the Apocalypse". Spike, winning a soul and becoming a Champion — and now corporeal, has broken the balance of things. The vampire says it's OK, he will leave Los Angeles and go to Europe (where Buffy is), but Eve says the whole universe is in chaos, not just Los Angeles or California.

Gunn tries to go to the White Room, but it and the Conduit (the Big Cat) that lives there disappeared; the researcher [Sirk Rutherford] is called (Wesley is on leave, after having shot the cyborg he thought was his father) and explains that the world will be in chaos until the vampire with a soul referred by the prophecy drinks the [Cup of Perpetual Torment]. Then, his past will be cleaned, he will become human and will start fresh. The cup is in a place called The Columns, a former opera house in Nevada, in the Death Valley. Spike (driving Angel's Viper*) and Angel (driving a GTO) rush to there.

*The song Spike is listening to is Too Drunk to F***, by [Dead Kennedys].

Angel and Spike fight for the Cup; Spike says he deserves to drink from it because he chose to seek a soul, while Angel had his forced on him; he adds that Drusilla sired him, but Angelus made him a monster. Spike goes on saying that he isn't like Angel and Angel replies that's why Buffy never loved him. Spike asks if Angel thinks that when he (Spike) and Buffy were having sex, she was thinking of him (Angel)?

Spike manages to pick up a piece of wood and when he has the opportunity to dust his rival, he just hurt  Angel on the shoulder; he says he doesn't want to have trouble explaining things to a certain person.*


Eventually, Spike manages to drink from the Cup... Mountain Dew.

Angel goes back to Wolfram & Hart and explains that the blood all over him is because he "fell down some stairs"; Spike arrives soon after, also covered in blood. They say the Cup was a fake, a set-up, and when they look for Sirk, they learn that he disappeared.

Eve tells everybody the Senior Partners were able to intervene and temporarily stabilize the universe; the chaos is over, the White Room is back, but the Senior Partners are furious — and the problem of 2 vampires with a soul still exist.

Later, Angel tells Gunn that Spike managed to drink from the Cup and maybe this means that he, Angel, isn't the chosen one. Gunn replies that it can mean nothing, but Angel doesn't seem convinced.

At Eve's place, we see her and [Lindsey McDonald] in bed together. His body is all covered with runes.