Allen Francis Doyle

Half human, half demon, Irish Doyle was sent by the [Powers That Be] in order to help Angel to fight Evil.

Doyle was raised human — his mother didn't tell him about his father being a demon, and he has never met him. He only found out about his demon side (he was a Brachen demon) when he came of age — and it was very hard for him to take this heritage.

Soon after his discover, he started having visions that showed people/demons in danger. When he got them for the first time, he thought he was having a stroke, he didn't know what the images meant, and thus, he ended up not keeping a relative of his, Lucas, and his clan, from being slaughtered by the Scourge, an army of pureblooded demons that hated half-breeds like Doyle himself. Later, when already working with Angel, Doyle died heroically, trying to stop the same group, which intended to kill every creature contaminated by human blood. He had a crush on Cordelia and, before sacrificing himself, he kissed her and transferred to her his visions.

He was married to the ethno-demonologist Harry for a while; she walked out on him because he became impossible to live with after he found out he was part demon. One day, she showed up in Los Angeles in order for him to sign the divorce papers — Harry was about to marry Richard Howard Straley, an Ano-Movick demon. However, the fiancé's clan had a strange ritual that meant eating the brain of the fiancée's ex-husband at the bachelor party, that is, Doyle's brain — which almost happened, if Angel hadn't intervened in time.

He liked to gamble and used to have problems because of it.

A good fight, yeah? You never know until you've been tested. I get that now.  (Hero)


Meio humano, meio demônio (Brachen), o irlandês Doyle foi enviado pelos [Poderes Que Valem] para ajudar Angel em sua redenção, através das visões que tinha sobre pessoas em perigo. Ele sacrificou sua vida para salvar dezenas de mestiços como ele, que seriam mortos por demônios racistas, os Scourge (traduzido em português como os "Chicotes"). Pouco antes de morrer, passou suas visões para Cordelia, através de um beijo — Doyle era apaixonado pela garota, mas nunca chegou a se declarar para ela; Cordelia só soube que ele era meio-demônio pouco antes de sua morte (Hero).

Doyle foi criado como humano e só descobriu que era meio-demônio quando adulto. Ele foi casado com a etnodemonóloga Harry, e foi ela quem o deixou. Algum tempo depois, a garota reapareceu (The Bachelor Party) para que Doyle assinasse os papéis do divórcio, pois estava prestes a casar-se com o demônio Richard Howard Straley, cuja família era proprietária de uma cadeia de restaurantes. A princípio relutante, Doyle acabou assinando a papelada e aceitou o convite para ir à festa de despedida de solteiro de Richard. No entanto, um dos costumes da espécie de demônio a que Richard pertencia (Ano-Movick) era comer o cérebro do ex-marido da noiva, o que só não aconteceu devido a intervenção de Angel.

Glenn Quinn


Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn was born 28 May 1970, in Dublin, Ireland. When he was 18, he moved to the United States with his mother and two sisters.

His father is a singer and musician and he himself played with several bands in Ireland before he came to the US.

His debut movie role was in the John Travolta film Shout (1991), where he shared a on-screen kiss with Gwyneth Paltrow.

He was 5'10" tall, had black hair and blue eyes.

Glenn Quinn passed away on December 3, 2002.


R.S.V.P. (2002) .... Hal Evans
At Any Cost (2000) .... Ben
"Angel" .... Doyle (1999)
Some Girl (1998) .... Jeff
Campfire Tales (1997) .... Scott Anderson
Outlaws (1997) (voice) .... 'Rattlesnake' Dick Farmer
The Curse of Monkey Island (1997) (voice) .... Pirate 5
Live Nude Girls (1995) .... Randy
"Covington Cross" (1992) .... Cedric Grey
Dr. Giggles (1992) .... Max Anderson
Shout (1991) .... Alan
Silhouette (1990) .... Darren Lauder
Call Me Anna (1990) .... George Chakiris
"Roseanne" .... Mark Healy (1990-1997)

TV Guest Appearances

"Angel" playing "Doyle" (re-used footage) in episode: "Birthday" (2002)
"Jesse" playing "Sean" in episode: "The Mischevous Elf" (1999)
"Bagdad Cafe" playing "Johnny" in episode: "Not Enough Cooke" (1990)
"Beverly Hills, 90210" playing "Party Jock #1" in episode: "Class of Beverly Hills" (1990)



Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn nasceu em 28 de maio de 1970 em Dublin, Irlanda. Com 18 anos, mudou-se com sua mãe e duas irmãs para os Estados Unidos.

Seu pai é cantor e músico e ele mesmo já tocou em diversas bandas, quando ainda morava na Irlanda.

Sua estréia no cinema aconteceu em 1991, no filme Shout, de John Travolta.

O ator tinha 5' 10" de altura, cabelos castanhos escuros e olhos azuis.

Glenn Quinn morreu em 3 de dezembro de 2002.


R.S.V.P. (2002) .... Hal Evans
At Any Cost (2000) .... Ben
"Angel" (1999) .... Doyle
Some Girl (1998) .... Jeff
Campfire Tales (1997) .... Scott Anderson
Outlaws (1997) (voice) .... 'Rattlesnake' Dick Farmer
The Curse of Monkey Island (1997) (voice) .... Pirata 5
Live Nude Girls (1995) .... Randy
"Covington Cross" (1992) .... Cedric Grey
Dr. Giggles (1992) .... Max Anderson
Shout (1991) .... Alan
Silhouette (1990) .... Darren Lauder
Call Me Anna (1990) .... George Chakiris
"Roseanne" (1990-1997) .... Mark Healy

Como Convidado

"Angel" como "Doyle" (cenas antigas) no episódio: "Birthday" (2002)
"Jesse" como "Sean" no episódio: "The Mischevous Elf" (1999)
"Bagdad Cafe" como "Johnny" no episódio: "Not Enough Cooke" (1990)
"Barrados no Baile"/"Beverly Hills, 90210" como "Atleta na festa #1" no episódio: "Class of Beverly Hills" (1990)